Presentationer MADIF-12

Här finner du titlar på de bidrag som accepterats för presentation på Madif-12.


  • Professor Paul Drijvers, Freudenthal, Institute, Utrecht University and HU University of Applied Sciences Utrecht, Utrecht: Computational thinking in the mathematics classroom (abstrakt), (presentation)


  • Camilla Björklund, Hanna Palmér:   Designing a tool for exploring toddlers’ number knowledge in preschool
  • Maria Fahlgren, Mats Brunström: Connected Classroom Technology to monitor, select and sequence student responses   
  • Hanna Fredriksdotter, Niklas Norén, Kajsa Bråting: Investigating grade 6 students’ mathematical problem solving in small group interaction
  • Miguel Perez: Five roles of the designer
  • Jöran Petersson: Components of knowledge in solving linear equations
  • Helena Roos: Methodological reflections of repeated interviews on teaching and learning mathematics
  • Robert Gunnarsson, Malin Albinsson: A phenomenographic analysis of students’ use of base-ten material
  • Eva Norén, Laura Caligari: Practices in multilingual mathematics classrooms: word problems
  • Camilla Björklund: Children’s awareness of numbers’ part-whole relations when bridging through 10
  • Jonas Bergman Ärlebäck, Peter Frejd: Eliciting pre-service secondary teachers’ initial ideas of sampling
  • Ida Bergvall, Anneli Dyrvold: Towards a theoretical understanding of learning with self-explanation prompts
  • Anette Bagger: Sustainable assessment in mathematics: a matter of access and participation
  • Ray Pörn, Kirsti Hemmi, Paula Kallio-Kujala: “Programming is a new way of thinking” – Teacher views on programming as a part of the new mathematics curriculum in Finland
  • Kajsa Bråting, Cecilia Kilhamn, Lennart Rolandsson: Integrating programming in Swedish school mathematics: description of a research project
  • Ingi Heinesen Højsted, Maria Alessandra Mariotti: Signs emerging from students’ work on a designed dependency task in dynamic geometry
  • Cecilie Carlsen Bach: Mathematical communication competency in a setting with GeoGebra
  • Ulrika Ryan, Petra Svensson Källberg, Lisa Björklund Boistrup: Unpacking ”Languages as Resourse” – the case of mathematics education in Sweden
  • Jane Tuominen, Charlotta Andersson, Lisa Björklund Boistrup: Critical aspects identified when equations were explored as a part-whole structure
  • Anna Ida Säfström, Johan Lithner: Problem solving as a learning activity – an initial theoretical model
  • Per Nilsson: Conceptual knowledge in mathematics – engaging in the game of giving and asking for reasons
  • Martin Nyman: Primary students’ expressed emotions towards mathematics education
  • Cecilie Carlsen Bach, Mathilde Kjær Pedersen, Rikke Maagaard Gregersen, Uffe Thomas Jankvist: On the notion of ‘background and foreground’ in networking of theories
  • Anna Teledahl, Jan Olsson: Students’ use of written and illustrative information in mathematical problem solving
  • Linda Marie Ahl, Ola Helenius: Polysemy and the role of representations for progress in conceptual knowledge
  • Andreas Eckert, Alexandra Hjelte: Positioning of programming in mathematics classrooms – A literature review of evidence based didactical configurations
  • Jonas Bergman Ärlebäck, Peter Frejd: On pre-service secondary teachers’ mathematical content knowledge in statistics
  • Troels Lange, Tamsin Meaney: They saw and dared to call things mathematics: facilitators’ views on mathematical professional development module


  • Andreas Ebbelind: The role of figured worlds when student teachers become teachers
  • Anne Tossavainen: Student Teachers´ Content Knowledge for Solving Elementary School Fraction Exercises
  • Kristina Juter: Pre-service teachers’ explanations of division by zero and denseness of the number line
  • Andreas Borg : The incorporation of programming in mathematical education
  • Helena Eriksson: Algebraic thinking regarding different mathematical contents within early algebra
  • Frithjof Theens: Sources of inequivalence in translated mathematics tasks identified with students’ reflections
  • Elisabet Mellroth, Andreas Bergwall: Kollegialt lärande kring lärsituationer för gymnasieelever med särskild begåvning
  • Oduor Olande: Number sense vocabulary: reflections from a pre-school pupil
  • Helena Grundén, Helén Sterner: Balancing interests in a research project through internal ethical engagement
  • Maria Walla: Mathematical assessments for six-year-old students in Sweden and Norway
  • Kristina Juter, Örjan Hansson, Andreas Redfors: Mathematics and physics at upper secondary school: an analysis of two lectures
  • Johan Prytz, Helena Isleborn och Mats Berggren: Socialt risktagande vid kritiskt tänkande
  • Malin Gardesten: Relational values ​​in inclusive mathematics classrooms – an intervention study
  • Mathias Norqvist:Gazing at mathematical reasoning
  • Dandan Sun: Research on the development of junior middle school mathematics teachers’ beliefs – from the perspective of history and pedagogy of mathematics
  • Ewa Bergqvist, Tomas Bergqvist, Ulrika Wikström Hultdin, Lotta Vingsle, Magnus Österholm: How mathematical symbols and natural language is used in teachers’ presentations
  • Ann-Marie Pendrill: Velocity, acceleration and the experiences of the body – derivatives and integrals in real life
  • Olov Viirman, Magnus Jacobsson: How epistemological characteristics influence the design of a course in projective geometry
  • Ewa Bergqvist, Bert Jonsson, Magnus Österholm:The processing of mathematical symbols in working memory
  • Anna Wernberg, Jonas Dahl, Cecilia Winström, Lisa Björklund Boistrup: Critical aspects in mathematics teacher students’ writing of lesson plans
  • Ewa Bergqvist, Tomas Bergqvist, Lotta Vingsle, Ulrika Wikström Hultdin, Magnus Österholm: How mathematical symbols and natural language are integrated in textbooks
  • Johanna Pejlare: Programmering för lärande i matematik – beskrivning av ett forskningsprojekt
  • Peter Markkanen: Digitala verktyg som stöd för elevers sätt att uppfatta geometriska figurer


  • Aleksander Veraksa, Carme Balaguer, Silje Christensen, Tamsin Meaney: Evaluating numeracy apps in different cultural contexts
  • Iben Maj Christiansen, Anna Pansell, Lisa Österling: Lärarutbildningens kunskapsbas – och hur vi kanske (inte) kan känna igen den